Hello again, long-time no speak (well post!) How are you doing?
What were we thinking?!!
Major life events of last year:
- Planning our 2018 wedding
- Growing a tiny human inside me
- Buying our first house to turn into a family home
Yes you could say I wasn't very relaxed last year with everything going on all at once haha!
I want to launch up a blog again, to be able to share our journey as a family of 3. We are getting married, first time parents and officially home owners. To be able to have somewhere to document the things we get up to, trips we take, things I love (beauty and fashion) and share our parenting experiences, as well as the BIG events like our wedding day, I am deciding to record all of this on my blog Kelley-Jay Louise M, my twitter @kelleyjaylouise, my Instagram @kelleyjaylouisem and sometime in the future in videos, my YouTube channel.
To be able to look back on special things with my soon to be husband and go back and show my child his life as he grows up, when he is older and for me to look back on the memories, I really like the idea of being able to do that. Also I hope some of my experiences, advice and things I learn will be something that you (my readers) will enjoy reading too and hopefully learn something as well. So say hello to this blog.
Primarily, this blog will be divided into 3 categories, LIFESTYLE, PARENTING and BEAUTY but within those will be lots of different topics, life events and other relatable posts. The About page on my blog will tell you more.
Thank you for sticking with me and reading this far along, I hope you will enjoy looking into my life, our family life and such and I hope you gain something from the experiences and posts I write.
To read some of the posts I brought from my previous (now deleted) blog click on the titles below.
Kelley-Jay Louise M
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